
Do you have a history of failed relationships?

It can be difficult choosing a partner and you may ask yourself why do I choose partners who are violent, have affairs, have an addictive personality such as drink/sex or gambling? Why do they choose me perhaps?

Have you ever stopped and reflected about what traits you have learnt that might be crippling your chances of finding the security, the affection and the warmth that is achievable in long term relationships?

What to do next:
- Understand why we choose our partners
- Understand ourselves
- Learn how to be more assertive
- Learn social skills
- Stop drinking/taking drugs
- Look at addictive behaviour such as gambling/sex etc
- How to be kinder and stop being angry.

Kent Counselling is a service specifically designed for individuals to help deal with the pain and disappointment from relationships. Understanding your relationship traits and learning how to make better choices for the future.

How Can I Help?

Counselling allows you together to explore difficult/sensitive issues where appropriate. It challenges, teaches and helps to gain awareness which can help promote change.

Mob: 07956 500364

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